The College’s mission is student success. We serve transfer and degree-seeking as well as non-credit students pursuing continuing education units, certifications, professional development, and industry-recognized credentials through MotlowTrained and specialized automation & robotics training.
(see more)The College’s mission is student success. We serve transfer and degree-seeking as well as non-credit students pursuing continuing education units, certifications, professional development, and industry-recognized credentials through MotlowTrained and specialized automation & robotics training.
MTSU Chinese Music Ensemble ends banner year, including summer China tour
Middle Tennessee State University's Chinese Music Ensemble performed its final concert of the season to round out MTSU's International Education Week. The concert was the ending of a banner year that included over 10 concert performances and a trip to China.

Experiential Learning -
2024 Dec 17
SNHU Announces Honor Roll for 2024 C-5 (Sep - Oct)
Southern New Hampshire University congratulates the following students on being named to the Honor Roll for the 2024 C-5 (Sep - Oct) term. Honor Roll is a term-specific achievement that recognizes learners who excel at SNHU. It was established in 2022 to help recognize academic excellence in our part-time and graduate learners. Eligibility for the SNHU Honor Roll requires full-time or part-time undergraduate, graduate, or coursework only online or campus students to earn an academic grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for an individual term. Please note: Full-time undergraduate students who receive the Honor Roll may also be eligible for the President's List or Dean's List. Honor Roll is awarded at the end of each term, while the President's List and Dean's List are recognized at the end of the 16-week campus terms or following paired 8-week terms for online students. While acknowledgment of the Honor Roll is an achievement, it is not a recognized university honor and has no bearing on eligibility for honor societies, Latin honors, or ceremonial honors at the time of conferral or during the Commencement ceremony, nor will it be noted on the student's academic transcript or diploma. Please see the university catalog for policies specific to Latin and ceremonial honors.

Academic Excellence -
2024 Dec 3
Biola University Welcomes New Eagles
Biola University is excited to welcome new students to the Biola community as they start their journey as an Eagle this fall. Biola's incoming class represents an accomplished, diverse group of individuals who hail from 48 countries and 45 states. More than 1,650 undergraduate and graduate students, the largest incoming class since 2019, started their journey at Biola for their first day of classes on Tuesday, Sept. 3.

Enrollment -
2024 Oct 23
Austin Peay State University congratulates newly accepted students
Austin Peay State University congratulates new students on being accepted to the University. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence have paid off, and APSU is excited they chose to apply to "Be A Gov" for their higher education!

Accepted -
2024 Oct 14

Southeast Missouri State University Welcomes Students to Southeast
Southeast Missouri State University is pleased and proud to celebrate with our newest students on beginning their first year at Southeast.

Enrollment -
2024 Oct 2
SNHU Announces Summer 2024 Dean's List
It is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the Summer 2024 Dean's List. The summer terms run from May to August. Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.500 to 3.699 for the reporting term are named to the Dean's List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer.

Dean's List -
2024 Sep 25
SNHU Announces Honor Roll for 2024 C-4 (Jul - Aug)
Southern New Hampshire University congratulates the following students on being named to the Honor Roll for the 2024 C-4 (Jul - Aug) term. Honor Roll is a term-specific achievement that recognizes learners who excel at SNHU. It was established in 2022 to help recognize learners who do not qualify for President's List or Dean's List. Due to differences in term structures, SNHU's online and campus populations have different eligibility requirements for Honor Roll. Eligibility for the SNHU Honor Roll requires that a student earn an academic grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for the term, and meet the following criteria. Campus Students: Part-time, coursework-only, and graduate students studying on campus are eligible for the Honor Roll. Full-time campus students (12+ credits) are not eligible for the Honor Roll, but may be eligible for President's List or Dean's List. Online Learners: Due to differences in term structures, full- and part-time undergraduate and all graduate online students and coursework-only learners are eligible for the Honor Roll. Please note: Full-time online undergraduate students who receive the Honor Roll may also be eligible for President's List or Dean's List. Honor Roll is evaluated at the end of every term while Dean's List and President's List are evaluated at the end of each set of paired terms for online students. While acknowledgement of Honor Roll is an achievement, it is not a recognized university honor and has no bearing on eligibility for honor societies, Latin honors or Ceremonial honors at the time of conferral or during the Commencement Ceremony, or any notation on the student's academic transcript or diploma. Please see the university catalog for policies specific to Latin and Ceremonial Honors.

Academic Excellence -
2024 Sep 10
Austin Peay State University congratulates newly accepted students
Austin Peay State University congratulates new students on being accepted to the University. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence have paid off, and APSU is excited they chose to apply to "Be A Gov" for their higher education!

Accepted -
2024 Jul 25
MTSU salutes 280 undergrad scholars on Summer 2024 Dean's List
Middle Tennessee State University is congratulating 280 students who appear on the dean's list for the summer 2024 semester. To qualify for this distinction, an undergraduate student must maintain a current semester grade-point average of 3.5 or above and earn at least 12 semester hours. The complete list of honorees, compiled by the MTSU Registrar's Office and alphabetized by the students' surnames and home counties or country, also is available as a searchable PDF in this story at, the university's news site:

Dean's List -
2024 Sep 3

Austin Peay State University congratulates transfer scholarship awardees
Austin Peay State University congratulates students on being offered a transfer scholarship for Fall of the 2024-2025 academic year. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence has paid off, and APSU is excited to award them a scholarship!

Scholarship -
2024 Jul 25

Austin Peay State University congratulates scholarship awardees
Austin Peay State University congratulates students on being offered a scholarship for Fall of the 2024-2025 academic year. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence has paid off, and APSU is excited to award them a scholarship!

Scholarship -
2024 Jul 25

SNHU Announces Honor Roll for 2024 C-3 (May-Jun)
Southern New Hampshire University congratulates the following students on being named to the Honor Roll for the 2024 C-3 (May-Jun) term. Honor Roll is a term-specific achievement that recognizes learners who excel at SNHU. It was established in 2022 to help recognize learners who do not qualify for President's List or Dean's List. Due to differences in term structures, SNHU's online and campus populations have different eligibility requirements for Honor Roll. Eligibility for the SNHU Honor Roll requires that a student earn an academic grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for the term, and meet the following criteria. Campus Students: Part-time, coursework-only, and graduate students studying on campus are eligible for the Honor Roll. Full-time campus students (12+ credits) are not eligible for the Honor Roll, but may be eligible for President's List or Dean's List. Online Learners: Due to differences in term structures, full- and part-time undergraduate and all graduate online students and coursework-only learners are eligible for the Honor Roll. Please note: Full-time online undergraduate students who receive the Honor Roll may also be eligible for President's List or Dean's List. Honor Roll is evaluated at the end of every term while Dean's List and President's List are evaluated at the end of each set of paired terms for online students. While acknowledgement of Honor Roll is an achievement, it is not a recognized university honor and has no bearing on eligibility for honor societies, Latin honors or Ceremonial honors at the time of conferral or during the Commencement Ceremony, or any notation on the student's academic transcript or diploma. Please see the university catalog for policies specific to Latin and Ceremonial Honors.

Academic Excellence -
2024 Jul 11
MTSU congratulates 2,300-plus scholars earning degrees at spring 2024 commencement ceremonies
Middle Tennessee State University is congratulating the students who received their degrees at its spring 2024 commencement ceremony. MTSU's summer commencement saluted members of the second Class of 2024 during two cermonies in Murphy Center to confer their degrees.

Graduation -
2024 Jun 28
Austin Peay State University congratulates transfer scholarship awardees
Austin Peay State University congratulates students on being offered a transfer scholarship for Fall of the 2024-2025 academic year. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence has paid off, and APSU is excited to award them a scholarship!

Scholarship -
2024 Jun 24
Austin Peay State University congratulates scholarship awardees
Austin Peay State University congratulates students on being offered a scholarship for Fall of the 2024-2025 academic year. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence has paid off, and APSU is excited to award them a scholarship!

Scholarship -
2024 Jun 24

Emmanuel College Announces Spring 2024 Dean's List
In recognition of their outstanding academic achievement, Emmanuel College has named more than 800 students to the Dean's List for the Spring 2024 semester. To earn a spot on the Dean's List, Emmanuel students must achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for a 16-credit semester.

Dean's List -
2024 Jun 20
University of Mississippi Announces Spring 2024 Dean's Honor Roll
The University of Mississippi announced students named to the Spring 2024 Honor Roll lists, including Dean's Honor Roll.

Dean's List -
2024 Jun 7
Tennessee Tech names nearly 4,100 students to spring 2024 Dean's List
Tennessee Tech University named nearly 4,100 students to its Dean's List for the spring 2024 semester. Dean's List students at Tech represent 93 Tennessee counties, 33 other U.S. states and 25 other countries. To be included on the Dean's List, students must attend the university full-time and earn a grade-point average of at least 3.1 on the 4.0 scale. "Tennessee Tech students continue to excel in the classroom and beyond. Their dedication to their studies and determination to succeed helps make Tech a place that we can all be glad to call home," said Tech President Phil Oldham. "Congratulations to all our students whose hard work earned them a place on the Dean's List. They have made their university, their families and their hometown communities very proud." For the full roster of Dean's List students searchable by name, county, state and country, visit

Dean's List -
2024 Jun 6
MTSU congratulates 5,475 undergrad scholars on Spring 2024 Dean's List
Middle Tennessee State University is congratulating 5,475 students who appear on the dean's list for the spring 2024 semester. To qualify for this distinction, an undergraduate student must maintain a current semester grade-point average of 3.5 or above and earn at least 12 semester hours. The complete list of honorees, compiled by the MTSU Registrar's Office and alphabetized by the students' surnames and home counties or country, also is available as a searchable PDF in this story at, the university's news site:

Dean's List -
2024 Jun 4
SNHU Announces Spring 2024 President's List
It is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the Spring 2024 President's List. The spring terms run from January to May. Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above for the reporting term are named to the President's List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer.

President's List -
2024 May 16
Students named to Harding University Dean's List
The following students are among more than 1,300 Harding University students included on the dean's list for grades achieved during the Spring 2024 semester.

Dean's List -
2024 Jun 6

SNHU Announces Honor Roll for 24EW4
Southern New Hampshire University congratulates the following students on being named to the Honor Roll for the 24EW4 term. Honor Roll is a term-specific achievement that recognizes learners who excel at SNHU. It was established in 2022 to help recognize learners who do not qualify for President's List or Dean's List. Due to differences in term structures, SNHU's online and campus populations have different eligibility requirements for Honor Roll. Eligibility for the SNHU Honor Roll requires that a student earn an academic grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for the term, and meet the following criteria. Campus Students: Part-time, coursework-only, and graduate students studying on campus are eligible for the Honor Roll. Full-time campus students (12+ credits) are not eligible for the Honor Roll, but may be eligible for President's List or Dean's List. Online Learners: Due to differences in term structures, full- and part-time undergraduate and all graduate online students and coursework-only learners are eligible for the Honor Roll. Please note: Full-time online undergraduate students who receive the Honor Roll may also be eligible for President's List or Dean's List. SNHU's President's and Dean's Lists require online students to accumulate 12 credits in either EW1 & EW2, EW3 & EW4, or EW5 & EW6 and earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Honor Roll is evaluated at the end of every term while Dean's List and President's List are evaluated at the end of each set of paired terms for online students. While acknowledgement of Honor Roll is an achievement, it is not a recognized university honor and has no bearing on eligibility for honor societies, Latin honors or Ceremonial honors at the time of conferral or during the Commencement Ceremony, or any notation on the student's academic transcript or diploma. Please see the university catalog for policies specific to Latin and Ceremonial Honors.

Academic Excellence -
2024 May 16
Samford University Announces Dean's List for Spring 2024 Semester
Samford University recognizes 1,931 students named to the Dean's List for the spring 2024 semester. To qualify for the dean's list, a student must have earned a minimum 3.5 grade point average out of a possible 4.0 while attempting at least 12 credit hours of coursework. The Dean's List is the highest academic recognition given by the school at the end of each semester.

Dean's List -
2024 May 8
MTSU College of Behavioral and Health Sciences recognizes senior honors students
The Middle Tennessee State University College of Behavioral and Health Sciences annual Academic Awards Presentation was held Tuesday, April 23, in the Student Union Ballroom. Nearly 200 seniors were spotlighted as Honors Students, which requires a scholastic average between 3.75 and 4.0. Representatives from the Departments of Psychology, Social Work, Criminal Justice Administration, Human Sciences, and Health and Human Performance presented certificates to students for their academic achievements.

Achievement (Other) -
2024 May 7
Austin Peay State University congratulates scholarship awardees
Austin Peay State University congratulates students on being offered a scholarship for Fall of the 2024-2025 academic year. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence has paid off, and APSU is excited to award them a scholarship!

Scholarship -
2024 Apr 4
SNHU Announces Honor Roll for 24EW3
Southern New Hampshire University congratulates the following students on being named to the Honor Roll for the 24EW3 term. Honor Roll is a term-specific achievement that recognizes learners who excel at SNHU. It was established in 2022 to help recognize learners who do not qualify for President's List or Dean's List. Due to differences in term structures, SNHU's online and campus populations have different eligibility requirements for Honor Roll. Eligibility for the SNHU Honor Roll requires that a student earn an academic grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for the term, and meet the following criteria. Campus Students: Part-time, coursework-only, and graduate students studying on campus are eligible for the Honor Roll. Full-time campus students (12+ credits) are not eligible for the Honor Roll, but may be eligible for President's List or Dean's List. Online Learners: Due to differences in term structures, full- and part-time undergraduate and all graduate online students and coursework-only learners are eligible for the Honor Roll. Please note: Full-time online undergraduate students who receive the Honor Roll may also be eligible for President's List or Dean's List. SNHU's President's and Dean's Lists require online students to accumulate 12 credits in either EW1 & EW2, EW3 & EW4, or EW5 & EW6 and earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Honor Roll is evaluated at the end of every term while Dean's List and President's List are evaluated at the end of each set of paired terms for online students. While acknowledgement of Honor Roll is an achievement, it is not a recognized university honor and has no bearing on eligibility for honor societies, Latin honors or Ceremonial honors at the time of conferral or during the Commencement Ceremony, or any notation on the student's academic transcript or diploma. Please see the university catalog for policies specific to Latin and Ceremonial Honors.

Academic Excellence -
2024 Mar 20

Austin Peay State University congratulates newly accepted students
Austin Peay State University congratulates new students on being accepted to the University. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence have paid off, and APSU is excited they chose to apply to "Be A Gov" for their higher education!

Accepted -
2024 Mar 12

Austin Peay State University congratulates transfer scholarship awardees
Austin Peay State University congratulates students on being offered a transfer scholarship for Fall of the 2024-2025 academic year. Their hard work and commitment to academic excellence has paid off, and APSU is excited to award them a scholarship!

Scholarship -
2024 Mar 11
MTSU undergrads present STEM research, meet with state officials at Capitol
Middle Tennessee State University undergraduate, STEM-based researchers recently showcased their talents, met Tennessee. Gov. Bill Lee and toured the halls of state government at the annual Posters at the Capitol event in Nashville, Tennessee. The MTSU group of nine joined undergraduates from public universities across Tennessee at the Cordell Hull Building to share their projects spanning from cancer treatment to local waterway pollution.

Research / Grant -
2024 Mar 7
Fall 2023 Dean's List
Congratulations to the students listed who made the 2023 Fall Semester Dean's list at Volunteer State Community College.
Dean's List -
2024 Feb 2